As my boy 'Moo and I were sitting through our training class, he turned me on to a website called LogoShak that has a remarkably extensive collection of logos from sports teams and events. Since I needed something new for the blog (and because November has 30 days), I decided to list the 30 worst sports logos of all time. I designated 'Moo as creative director of the project since he a.) found the site before I did, b.) has a good eye for a bad logo, and c.) agreed to go through half of the logos on the site so that I didn't have to spend even more time than I already do with unproductive exercises. I will be listing one per day for the next 30 days. There was no strict criteria; it just had to look ugly. Sometimes the logos were too busy, some of them had terrible color schemes, and some were just way too plain. Regardless, we tried to put together list of the all-time worst for your enjoyment (or displeasure, whichever). Let's keep this train rolling...
#25 - Bakersfield Jam

When the NBA founded the D-League, a lot of people wondered what would come of it. To be honest, it's been pretty good for teams. There haven't been any stars who have come from the minor league, but plenty of role players on NBA teams have gotten significant playing time for their respective D-League affiliate, staying sharp along the way. Now, if we could just get the big boys to pass along some of their marketing money as well, we'd be in good shape. The Jam get some hate here from me, but they're not the only D-League team with a bad logo; it just so happens that they also have the worst team name as well. Really? The Jam? Were 'Slam' and 'Dunk' taken? I just don't get it. I mean, look at that logo. What is that? A basketball thunderously splitting the 'a' and 'm' in Jam. What am I supposed to be taking from that? I realize there are a lot of rhetorical questions happening right now, but I need some answers. This logo just doesn't make sense to me. What is a logo for a team named "Jam" supposed to look like? Heck, I have no idea; there probably isn't a reasonable answer. I just know that it's not supposed to look as terrible as this one does. The Southern California area is full of wannabe artists and designers looking for their big break. Why doesn't somebody offer them a free exhibit at games for their work if they design a better logo for the team free of charge? You know, a little quid pro quo type stuff. I think this could work. At least it'd work better than the current Jam logo.
~~ Lank
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