Monday, November 2, 2009

BatManu the Superhero

Before we get too far in this post, let me go ahead and present the jury with what I will be discussing.

Ok, now that that's taken care of, let's get down to business: Manu Ginobili is the man. Here I was Saturday night, watching the Spurs-Kings game with Willie P, when all of a sudden, a bat starts flying around the court. It was Halloween night, so that was weird enough, but the fact that it delayed the game for several minutes was even worse. Well, the bat was shooed away by a referee with a towel, and some arena workers with other objects, so game on, right?

Kind of.

After a few more minutes of play, the bat returned and the above video is what happened thereafter. Manu was tired of the bat messing up his flow, so he decided to use his superhuman hand-eye coordination to end the problem.

Just like that.

It was amazing to watch live; it really was. I started laughing for about 10 minutes straight at the absurdity/surreal nature of the situation, and Willie P couldn't believe what he was watching. Then he said this: "you know, that's the type of stuff that mere mortals just cannot do." And he's right; if you or I were to try that, we'd whiff several times and then shrug our shoulders and give up. Manu took ONE SWING at a bat in flight and knocked it out. That's amazing.

Sure, PETA will probably call for Manu's job soon and they'll ask for David Stern to speak out against animal violence, but it's worth it. That was one of the funniest things I've ever seen at a basketball game and the type of stuff I'll be telling Lank Jr.'s kids about one of these days.

~~ Lank

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