Entourage knows how to keep me tuned in; give them that.
After lauding the HBO program for giving me my helping of Emmanuelle Chriqui, I must now take a moment to thank them again. Despite plot problems and characters that have grown a little stale, the show gets the job done when it comes to getting my viewership. This past week's strategy?
Giving me my helping of Kate Mara. I love me some Kate Mara.
I first came across Miss Mara during her performance in We Are Marshall, which is still one of my favorite movies to watch. If you don't get chills at least three times while watching it, you need to get your life together. But I digress. Mara is perfect as the cheerleader/grieving fiancee, and looks amazing while doing it. Honestly, she's pretty sad the whole movie (you would be too if your fiance died in a plane crash), yet still looks good enough to eat with a side of rice. That's pretty hard to do.
Unless you're Kate Mara.
My affection for her only grew when she starred in Shooter opposite Mark Wahlberg. That movie was legit; but when I saw her in a role in which she was allowed to wear some wife-beaters and nurse's garb, it instantly moved up my list of re-watchable movies. She's simply striking throughout the entire film, even when she's supposed to look like a dressed-down homebody from backwoods Kentucky. Once again, that's pretty hard to do.
Again, unless you're Kate Mara.
Now that I've seen her on Entourage, I feel as if I've been reconnected with a long lost love. No, she has no idea that I even exist, but that's not the point. The point is that I have a thing for her, and being able to watch her in action makes my life better. If anyone out there knows Miss Mara, please feel free to pass along this post as a pathetic way to tell her that I love her. If her sense of humor is as good as I think it is (based on nothing but a handful of interviews, mind you, but I'm pretty sure I'm right), she'll enjoy my words and will reach out to me for a date.
Yes, I'm dreaming. But you know what they say about love -- it makes you do crazy things.
~~ Lank
1 comment:
Not to mention that one great-grandfather started the New York football Giants and another great-grandfather bought the Steelers in their infancy for $3500.
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