Thursday, July 30, 2009

What Do You Think the President Drinks?

So there has been a lot of buzz this week about our president inviting people to the white house to enjoy a few adult beverages as he mediates through some problem solving situations.

*Don't worry, this isn't a political blog and it isn't heading in that direction*

But it did make me think - What beverages would you have on tap if you were the President of the United States?

A Skip To My Lank poll was issued and results were as follows:

Skip - Coke, Minute Maid Orange Soda, Bud, Bud Light, Carlsburg, Samuel Adams and Heineken

Lank - Coke, Dr. Pepper, Orange Juice and Apple Juice

Dirk - Sweet Tea, Orange Sunkist, Cheerwine, Sun Drop, Coke, Bud Light, Highland Gaelic Ale and a bourbon

Big Brother - Bud, Bud Light and Mountain Dew

The White American - Bud Light, Newcastle, Heineken, Sweetwater 420 and Coke

Willy P - Coke, Water and Milk

Dr. Mustache - Lemonade, Stella Artois and Bud

Baseball Mom - Coke, Water, Grape Juice, Orange Juice, Milk and Lemonade

So with 8 respondents we can definitely see some favorite beverages across the board. Coke made the most presidential selections with 6 out of 8. Budweiser products also did very well amongst this small sampling straw poll make it to 5 out of the 8 tap rooms. Across the board you see a variety of beverages both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. But there are some things that stand out about peoples selections.

The real shocker, to me, is Willy P wanting water on tap. I have full respect for my elders (most of the time), but water? Really? Isn't water available at every sink in the White House? Do we really need a special tap to dispense it from a reservoir?

However what I do really respect is Willy P and Baseball Mom selecting milk. I love milk. I drink it at dinner time almost all the time. I grew up on drinking Milk several times a day. I almost wish I had thought of having milk on tap, because frankly, that would be awesome and useful.
Want some cereal? Here's some milk
Having cake? Here's some milk
Eating Oreos? Here's some milk
Just want strong bones? Milk.
You get the point.

I think it should be noted in closing that the most popular beer selected was Bud Light. This is a beer of the people. A beer for all mankind. A beer for beer drinking men. And according to the recent publications the beer of the President.

So to everyone out enjoying a pint, bottle, can or keg. Enjoy your beverage of choice and just know that one day you too might have the power and authority to have it on tap when ever you like.


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