Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nothing Good Comes From Unisex Names

I'm not a fan of unisex names. I honestly think we should hold a draft and let delegates from each gender decide which names they wish to take. For example, after winning the coin toss for the first selection, the female delegation, being spoken for by Oprah Winfrey, would take "Courtney". With their first pick, the male delegation, led by Bob Seger, would take "Taylor". And so on, and so forth. Ashley, Jamie, Kelly, Terry; they'd all be in play here. No longer would anyone get confused when you told a story involving your friend "Jamie". All questions would be answered with a draft.

The reason I bring this up is because I heard about this story about two young people who are getting married soon, both named Kelly Hildebrandt. Guy and girl, same name. That's just ridiculous. I won't even get into the whole "we met on Facebook because I randomly searched my name, and then he came to visit for some reason, and then we fell in love, and now here it is a few months later and we're getting married" thing. That's for an entirely different post that I just don't have the time or energy to produce right now. The point is, all of the awkwardness surrounding the story could have been avoided if we had a firm system in place to appropriate names to each gender. You don't hear about guys being named "Lisa" or girls named "Rex", so why can't we just make a firm line down the middle, and distribute the unisex names equally? It'll be fun, I promise.

And for the record, no, I don't plan on typing my name into Facebook anytime soon to see if there are any lovely young ladies out there who share my moniker. I don't care how hot she is, it'd be weird telling everyone that I'm dating a girl who shares my name.

~~ Lank

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