Friday, July 17, 2009

Yeah, It's the Manhole's Fault

So a girl fell into a manhole while texting the other day. I would insert a joke or witty comment here, but I think the actual statement is funny enough. Read the article, it's awesome. The girl tries to blame the sewer workers for not placing a cone or bright orange sign in front of an OPEN MANHOLE. Really? You don't notice a huge hole in the ground right in front of you because you're too busy texting "omg, that was sooo funny!! lol!! :)" to your bff, and it's the sewer crew's fault that you fell?

Again, she fell into an OPEN MANHOLE. We're not talking about some hidden hole in the ground covered by leaves and grass. We're not talking about a small hole in the pavement that crumbles under her weight. We're talking about a hole big enough to fit the width of a grown man in, and it's right in front of her. How does she miss this? Oh, that's right, she was texting. Clearly the sewer company's fault she had an urgent message to attend to. If she can't see an enormous hole in the ground because of her texting session, how are we sure that she would've noticed a cone or orange construction sign? Yeah, I'm not buying it either.

Maybe my favorite part of the article is that her parents "might sue". Might? Yeah right, that's like saying, "Lank might breathe in the next 10 minutes". In today's day and age, when dollar signs are being dangled in front of someone, they take about .23 seconds to go after it. As sad as it is to say, her parents are going to take every opportunity to capitalize on the dumb mistake made by their daugther. If she just pays attention to where she's walking, none of this happens. Yet, the sewer workers are the ones who are considered negligent. Amazing.

You know what really would've prevented this situation? This.

~~ Lank

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That has to be the funniest thing I've read in a while! I hope my two wonderful sons don't marry someone like that! ROFL