Monday, September 21, 2009

Lank's Fall TV Schedule

Here we are, starting another season of fall television. I know that you all have your favorites and have already littered the calendar with reminders to watch certain shows. I also know that you're waiting impatiently for me to tell you which shows are worth watching this fall. That's why I'm here. For the people. I'm like the Constitution, just not as old, legit, or American. But almost.

Dancing With The Stars (Mon and Tue, ABC, 8 pm) - Baseball Mom is a HUGE fan of the show and has tried to get me to watch it for as long as I can remember. I have hesitated until now, because they have some interesting cast members. Donny Osmond, Michael Irvin, Mya; I mean, there are some legitimate stories here, and I can honestly say that I'm intrigued. I'm probably going to update the blog with DWTS posts throughout the season to attract girls, but hopefully I'll enjoy the program all season as a viewer as well.

House (Mon, Fox, 8 pm) - One of my favorite shows of all time, the mercurial Dr. House is always a fascinating character to watch. Hugh Laurie's performances are phenomenal week in and week out, and I have to make a concerted effort not to take him for granted he's so good. With House in a mental hospital to begin the season, there are some interesting plot directions that are sure to develop this season.

Modern Family (Wed, ABC, 9 pm) - A new show this year, it's about a bunch of different families that are all interconnected. Getting back to its comedic roots (Home Improvement, Family Matters, et al), ABC hopes to score big with this critically acclaimed series. Ed O'Neill (aka Al Bundy) stars, and I'm sure to watch anything including him (yes, I even tried to watch Big Apple). Plus, it's on a night that I don't watch anything else, so it could become a Lank staple in years to come.

Flash Forward (Thurs, ABC, 8 pm) - Written by David S. Goyer (Blade, The Dark Knight), this show features an interesting plot in which everyone loses consciousness for 2 minutes and 17 seconds and sees flashes of the future -- not all of which are favorable. The limited previews I've seen have looked fantastic, and I'm really hopeful that this idea works as a series. I'll give it every chance to succeed due to its originality.

Trauma (Mon, NBC, 9 pm) - After watching House, I plan on turning the channel to NBC and catching this interesting drama. In between the accidents and the hospital, there are gripping stories to be told, and Trauma will attempt to tell them. This show has "cancel potential" due to the grand scope of the series (there are helicopter crashes and explosions all over the previews), which could be thrown in as a way to distract the viewer from lackluster writing, but I'm willing to give it a shot. The trailers have all looked very good to me.

So there you have it. I'll be watching five shows this fall and am looking forward to becoming huge fans of all of them. There are a bunch of different genres and plot types covered here, but that's one of the things I like about those that I've chosen -- the diversity. I'll let you know how I feel about these shows with posts in the future. But, hopefully you'll take a chance on them as well now that you have the Lank Stamp of Approval and we can watch them together. Stay classy, friends.

~~ Lank

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