Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Is Skip To My Lank?

Skip To My Lank (always capitalized because we're grown men) is the brainchild of two good friends (Skip and Lank) who are entirely too interested in what they have to say. Unable to find a place on the Internets where we are in complete agreement with the author (and I use that term loosely), we decided to create our own blog. We appreciate all six people that will read this at one point or another, and we hope that you enjoy stopping by. Stay thirsty, our friends.

~~ Lank

1 comment:

Herc Oakwood said...

I'm not real sure about this Lank fellow but I am interested in what Skip has to say. But, as always, us mid westerners need to be edified as much as possible by those that have left for the coasts.