Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon & Kate Plus Hate

I'm tired, tired, tired, tired, tired of Jon and Kate Gosselin. Tired of them. Can't stand hearing about them anymore. As a matter of fact, after I finish this post, I'm never speaking of them nor writing about them again. I want them to go away. Now.

First of all, I hate that their kids are having to go through this whole ordeal. It's embarrassing to the parents, obviously, but they're grownups and they've brought this upon themselves, so I couldn't care less about them being inconvenienced by this. However, these kids are barely old enough to think, and already they're having to deal with cameras in their face and strangers following them around everywhere. Add on the potentially ugly divorce that may be coming down the turnpike, and you have a recipe for disaster. If these kids don't grow up to be drug addicts and/or strippers, I'll be stunned. Seriously.

Also, I hate that their show has so many viewers. I've never seen it, but apparently, ever since Jon was rumored to be mingling around with other girls, the ratings have gone up. You know how it is, America loves a scandal, and this one just got "better" by the day. I wish Americans would quit fanning the flames of such a train wreck of a relationship, and that I wouldn't have to hear about this madness daily. Honestly, if you need something cool to watch on Monday nights, watch wrestling. It's about as realistic and genuine as Jon and Kate's relationship, but at least it's more entertaining and no kids are harmed during filming.

Another thing I hate about these poor excuses for parents/spouses (by the way, if the word 'spouse' is to be treated like the word 'mouse', wouldn't multiple spouses be referred to as 'spice'? As in, trying to 'spice' up your relationship? I'm just saying. Anyway...) is that people legitimately think that having a reality show ruined their marriage. What the hell? I know relationships that have survived disease, deployments, long distances, disagreements, and children; reality TV ain't got nothin' on any of those things. If their relationship didn't suck to begin with, Jon and Kate wouldn't be having this problem, TV or no TV. Just because Nick and Jessica and Hulk and Linda couldn't make it work either doesn't mean that there's a curse put on reality TV marriages. Did you ever stop to consider that shaky relationships are chosen because they breed more drama and thus more storylines? You know, kind of like how "The Hills" is considered reality TV.

Alright, I think I feel a little better now. But just a little. I still feel bad for the eight children who have to suffer through this tumultuous time in their lives just because Mommy and Daddy have the sense of a mongoose. And I apologize to the mongoose. Bottom line is, I'm done with Jon and Kate (not that I ever really began with them), and you should be, too. These people are ridiculous, their "relationship" is ridiculous, and their TV show is ridiculous. They don't deserve our time or attention, and maybe if we stop giving it to them, they'll go away.


~~ Lank

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