As my boy 'Moo and I were sitting through our training class, he turned me on to a website called LogoShak that has a remarkably extensive collection of logos from sports teams and events. Since I needed something new for the blog (and because November has 30 days), I decided to list the 30 worst sports logos of all time. I designated 'Moo as creative director of the project since he a.) found the site before I did, b.) has a good eye for a bad logo, and c.) agreed to go through half of the logos on the site so that I didn't have to spend even more time than I already do with unproductive exercises. I will be listing one per day for the next 30 days. There was no strict criteria; it just had to look ugly. Sometimes the logos were too busy, some of them had terrible color schemes, and some were just way too plain. Regardless, we tried to put together list of the all-time worst for your enjoyment (or displeasure, whichever). Let's keep this train rolling...
#4 - Mississauga IceDogs

I like (and by 'like', I really mean 'hate' since this is a countdown of bad logos) a number of things about this logo. First of all, it's from a minor league hockey team, which usually means a lot of fun. Secondly, it's from Canada, and who doesn't like America's hat? The fact that they're so proud of their location that they decided to throw a maple leaf on the logo gets a lot of points here at Skip To My Lank. Can you imagine if more American teams did this? That'd be legit. Anyway, let's get to my favorite part of the logo: Optimus Prime's dog. This is the second time we've featured a team called the IceDogs (although the first one spaced out the nickname into two words), so maybe teams should stray from using it again (get it? Stray? Dog?). There just doesn't seem to be a way to make an "ice dog" (whatever that is) cool. This one in particular looks like the Bionic Man's canine equivalent. Which might make a decent Syfy show, but not necessarily a great sports logo. It doesn't even really look like a dog; it looks like a mask Maximus would wear as he's chopping up Romans. Except that Maximus would make it look a lot more badass. The huge M in the background is a nice touch, save for the fact that you don't really see the middle segments of the M connect. For all we know, it's just a couple of random beams jutting into the Bionic Dog's head. Would that really surprise you with this logo? Yeah, me neither.
~~ Lank
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