Call me old-fashioned, but I don't really see how it's necessary to strap your kid to anything to keep him/her/it under control. If disciplined properly and reinforced consistently, kids can be prevented from raising hell in public. As a matter of fact, when I was young all my mother or father had to do was call out my name in a certain volume and I dropped whatever I was doing and waited for instructions. Brainwashed? Maybe; but considering people don't make good decisions until at least 16 (there's a reason you can't do anything meaningful in life before then), brainwashing children to do the right thing isn't bad.
These leashes are ridiculous. They're advertised as "child harnesses" which sound a lot better than "kid leashes" because it doesn't explicitly compare the way you treat your children to the way you treat your pets. Think about it, what do people do to their dogs before they take them out in public? Put a leash on them. What do bad parents do to their children before they take them out in public? Put a leash on them. What kind of parent looks at their kid after putting a "child harness" on them and feels satisfied? My goodness. That's just embarrassing. I guess the positive thing in all this is it's easy to identify the bad parents; just look for a kid on a leash and follow the line back to the idiot.
People get up in arms when parents talk about spanking their kids or disciplining them in some other "tough love" fashion. Why is there no uproar when kids are literally put on leashes in public? Where are the child treatment groups on this one? Oh, that's right, they're at the other end of the leash. And you wonder why I give zero credence to those groups. If you really knew how to parent your kid, you wouldn't need a leash to keep them under control.
The next time you see a kid on a leash, do me a favor; ask his/her parent if they put them in a kennel when they go on vacation.
~~ Lank
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