Don't worry, this isn't a politically-charged post. I gave up on talking about politics years ago. Nowadays, I choose to focus on things that really matter.
Like Presidents throwing out first pitches at baseball games.
I like Barack Obama. I voted for Barack Obama. However, our Commander-in-Chief has some work to do on his fastball. For those of you who missed it, President Obama threw out the first pitch at the 2009 MLB All-Star Game in St. Louis on Tuesday. His result wasn't entirely terrible; the ball made it the majority of the distance in the air and didn't bounce up there (thanks to Albert Pujols reaching across the plate to scoop it). But Barry, if you want my full confidence, you need to use a bit more shoulder, flatten out the ball's trajectory a little bit, and hit the catcher in the chest.
You know, like your predecessor did. And still does.
Again, this has nothing to do with politics. I voted for both of these men in separate elections and think they both have their good qualities and bad qualities as politicians. When it comes to tossing that cowhide, though, the edge clearly goes to George W. Bush. Hopefully, when the 2012 All-Star Game comes around, Mr. Obama will have gotten enough work in that he'll be able to throw it straight down Broadway on a line. Yes, he's get plenty of other work to do as well, but let's not immediately cast throwing a baseball to the side.
After all, it only seems fitting that our national leader should be good at our national pastime.
~~ Lank
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