I don’t have much to say about the controversy over South African runner Caster Semenya’s gender. After winning the women’s 800m race at the Track and Field World Championships in
Obviously, I’ve never heard her speak, but I have scene pictures of her. Yes, she seems a bit more toned and muscular than most female runners. However, we’ve all met a girl at one time or another who had some masculine features, whether it was body type, a deep voice, or just a large stature. To say that Semenya isn’t a woman simply because of her appearance seems short-sighted and petty. Sure, the question can be raised; but if your only proof is, “well, she seems kinda diesel for a woman,” then you probably don’t have much of a case.
Gender tests are expensive, arduous, and often inconclusive. Females and males are biologically different, no question, but whether or not those differences can be seen with these test is still up for debate. If the powers that be in track and field decide to test Semenya, I understand. The issue has caused quite a buzz and should be answered definitively one way or another. However, I’d hope that they’re not considering doing the test for the sole reason that she looks like a man. Something more definitive (race times, masculine characteristics such as body hair or excessive testosterone in her blood work, etc) should raise a flag in order to warrant the test. Otherwise, a nasty precedent will be set. Female athletes who are routinely trounced by opponents who may look different than they do could claim that said opponent is a man.
And that just doesn't seem very ladylike.
~~ Lank
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