For a little background info, you should read this article: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/story/1567423.html
Ok, now that that's taken care of, I can reveal to you an actual exchange between Skip and I concerning the barrel monster fallout:
Skip: Damn, that 919 barrel monster was legit.
Lank: That was awesome. I wish I'd seen that myself.
Skip: Good. Clean. Fun.
Lank: That's definitely going up on Skip To My Lank.
Skip: I don't claim to translate well, but he was probably saying, "please be safe. Seat belts save lives."
Lank: The way his finger was pointed, he was almost reminiscent of Uncle Sam. And I trust that guy.
Skip: Why do they make orange barrels? So people know there is construction going on. I'm pretty sure the monster did that job.
Lank: If anything, the Monster should get a nomination for Employee of the Month. He was effective unlike anyone else.
Skip: Do I notice a random 5'6" Mexican? No. A 13'6" orange monster? I instantly cover my brake.
Lank: Everybody knows you don't want to piss off that monster. He means business, man. He's not there for jokes.
Skip: Monster isn't really a fair connotation. A public service creature to me.
Lank: That's true. Why are we trying to make this guy seem menacing? He's there for our safety. He wants to help us live.
Needless to say, everyone Skip To My Lank is a huge fan of the barrel monster. He looks good, he's nice, and he's selfless. What more could you want in someone in his position? Let the barrel monster live. If he's not back up on Hillsborough Street in a week, I'm writing my local politician for a reasonable explanation. Long live the barrel monster.
~~ Lank
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